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Kirsten Turk

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Taking advantage of that “back to school” feeling in adulthood

August 9, 2024

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Summer is starting to wind down, store aisles once lined with pool floats and s’mores supplies are being replaced with pencils and glue sticks, and the morning bell is just around the corner. As someone who currently has zero children starting school and is not a teacher, that “back to school” feeling is still somehow very much alive and well within me.

It’s a feeling that has been heavily engrained in us from childhood. I’m personally one of those kids who loved back to school (for the most part). I looked forward to back to school shopping with my mom; picking out new notebooks, outfits and fun erasers. I was eager and excited to start seeing my friends every day again. And believe it or not, I was even looking forward to learning new things.

My schooling ended in 2016 when I graduated college. However, 8 years later and it’s just now clicking in my head that I could use this time and this “back to school” feeling to my advantage. While “back to school” season is typically reserved for children and young adults, this time of year can also be an opportunity for those of us no longer in school to reset, create new habits and goals and maybe even learn a thing or two.

Here’s How I’m Taking Advantage of that “Back to School” Feeling in Adulthood

Revamping my wardrobe with necessities

Back to school shopping isn’t just reserved for the school supply list. When was the last time you got new socks? I can barely find a matching one these days, so that’s definitely on my back to school shopping list.

Go through your closet, donate what you no longer need and restock or replace necessities. Maybe even treat yourself to a few new pieces that will make you feel confident in the new “school year” ahead.

Resetting my routines

School is very routined. After a summer of freedom, you have to get back to early alarms, strict schedules and evening activities or after-school jobs. Use this back to school feeling to your advantage and reset or reevaluate your routines.

Reevaluating and even resetting your daily routine can help you manage your time better and increase productivity. It can maybe even help you carve out some time to learn new things and try new hobbies (see below). Whether you want to wake up a little earlier so you can get in a morning workout, or you want to have a more consistent evening routine, review your current routines and identify areas that could be improved.

Getting organized

Starting a new school year is like having a clean slate when it comes to clutter. An empty locker, a freshly cleaned desk and a new backpack with fresh pencils and notebooks.

Spend a little time organizing your desk at home or in the office, your bag, your car and any other areas you’ve been slaking on. Organize your bills, papers and receipts. Buy a new notebook, planner and set of pens and declutter the junky ones. Having a clean and clear space is going to help you clean and clear your mind. It’ll also be nice to have these decluttered spaces before the holiday season arrives!

Read next: Christmas in July: 5 things I’m doing now to prepare for Christmas

Learning something new

When’s the last time you’ve taken a class or tried to learn something new? Whether it’s a fun date night cooking class, enrolling in a course you’ve always been interested in at your local community college, or just picking up a new book, dedicate some time this “school year” to expand your knowledge.

Think about something you’re interested in and dedicate even just an hour a week to learning. Platforms like Coursera, Skillshare, and Udemy (and even YouTube), are great places to start. Or head to your local library and get reading!

Making a new friend or reconnecting with an old

Back to school often means reconnecting with friends and making new ones. It’s easy to put friendships on the back burner in adulthood. Take this opportunity to rekindle old relationships or build new connections.

Reach out to friends you haven’t seen in a while and set up a coffee date or a catch-up call. Have you been following someone local on Instagram for awhile? Reach out to them and see if they’d be interested in getting together for lunch. Join in on community happenings such as a local run club, yoga studio, church group or sports league to meet new people and make new friends.

Revisiting hobbies / “extracurriculars”

Think back to the activities you enjoyed as a student— band, art, sports, home ec., drama, clubs, etc.; these are just a few of the extracurriculars you could explore more in adulthood. Do you want to learn how to play piano or touch up on that instrument you haven’t picked up since the 10th grade? Maybe you want to revisit your glory days and join an adult basketball league. Or maybe you want to learn how to make a really good loaf of sourdough bread.

Spend some time revisiting the extracurriculars you took in school. Which ones did you truly enjoy? Which ones do you wish you would’ve tried? This is a great time to reconnect with those passions or discover new ones. Try to dedicate a little time each week to an “extracurricular” or hobby. This will help spark your creativity or add a little extra fun and enjoyment to your life.

Getting nostalgic

Sometimes the fun of that “back to school” feeling is getting nostalgic and remembering the good times you had. I remember my mom would always make us cookies when we got home on our first day of school. My favorite was oatmeal scotchies, so I’ll be baking some of those this August.

Maybe something as simple as eating a lunchable, watching the school bus go by or flipping through an old year book can bring back some of those nostalgic feelings of simpler times. Reflect on the excitement and possibilities you felt at the start of each school year, and let that feeling inspire your current goals and activities.

Final thoughts

Having that back to school feeling in adulthood can be a powerful reminder that we can always be growing and reconnecting. Planning isn’t reserved for the new year, friendships and hobbies are still important and we should never stop learning.

If you have any additional tips or ideas on how you take advantage of that “back to school” feeling in adulthood, I’d love to read them in the comments below!

Had to share some back to school throwbacks in this post.

Happy back to school season!

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Meet Kirsten Turk, the editor and food blogger of

Hey, I'm Kirsten

– a small town, midwestern girl living in sunny South Florida with my husband and our two golden doodles.

Welcome to my blog dedicated to good food, better drinks, easy entertaining and laid-back living. 

Sharing a cocktail, hosting a party with good friends, trying new recipes, making memories over a thoughtfully laid out grazing board; these are the moments I love to live and share with others.

Thanks for being here!

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